Dobro Case Study

Dobro Case Study

At the beginning of 2023, we created a huge awareness campaign in the Czech market about mental health promotion, in connection with the online world.

The challenge

The goal was to reach as many people as possible in the online world, to use one of the biggest threats in today’s world (online manipulation) to publicize something good and point out possible threats.

Our Approach

We created an internet mystery in which we used elements trending on the Czech internet and the mystery spread at breakneck speed through the Czech internet. We then created a mental health website for a good cause, got partners for the project (ČSOB Pojišťovna, DM, Bigboard,...), and launched the reveal of this mystery campaign.


The unveiling of the campaign brought millions of views on the Czech market, the website had more than 40,000 visits and the topic became very talked about. The campaign ranks as one of the most successful on the Czech Internet in 2023.

The reference comes under the partner companies Digicrew and MM Capital.

Tiktok account

Outdoor Billboard

Oficiální web ČSOB Pojišťovny

Outdoor LED screen

Outdoor LED screen

Mental health website